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Make Us Whole:
Kingston Ash Spill 15 Years Later

GENRE: Documentary


LOGLINE: December 22, 2023, is the 15th anniversary for residents living in the shadow of the TVA Kingston Steam plant having their lives changed when an ash retention pond failed, releasing approximately 8.1 million gallons of coal ash waste into the Emory River on December 22, 2008.


TAGLINE: “we’re going to make you whole”



     Residents who experienced what at the time was considered the largest environmental disaster in American History were displaced from their homes and some had their properties bought by the Tennessee Valley Authority. I plan to look back on the fifteenth anniversary of the spill and talk to these families and see if they were treated fairly. Also, show a brief history about TVA and their past environmental record. I will also delve into the root cause of what happened and talk to past and present government officials about the economic impact to Roane County and how the communities are dealing with what happened 15 years later. Many property transfer prices are redacted in the county Registrar of Deeds office, and their true purchase prices are not known. This has a direct correlation to the property tax base, since no one really knows what they were bought for. We will also speak with residents who were forced to leave their homes because TVA exercised Eminent Domain, taking their homes and properties.

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